Appointment Booking Portal

Schedule appointments and instantly connect with new customers. Easy calendar integration!

Help your clients feel confident and well taken care of.

We Will Handhold You Until You Grow
Learn how to create effective digital presence
Learn how to retain customers using automated tools
Learn how to comply & avoid penalties


Never miss an appointment again.

Easily schedule appointments for any future date and time, receive reminders both in-app and via email to make sure you never forget.

Be a pro at managing your time and clients' time.

Time management is essential for any business owner, and with Founderscart, you can be a pro at it! Your customers will appreciate knowing that you're taking care of their time as well.

Be more organized with your schedule.

With unlimited slots and a built-in scheduler, you can easily manage your appointments, meetings, and deadlines.

Latest Technology.

We use the latest and most innovative technologies to ensure that your business stay ahead of trends.

Our Packages

FREE Premium White Label Custom CRM
499 +GST
999 +GST
Create new appointments and never forget a meeting again with our CRM. You can view all your past ones too, which is great for keeping track of what you need or want to do next!
Accounting Software
Graphical view of your P&L with cashflows and outflows makes it easy for you to manage your revenues. Manage Business Reviews, P&L statements, Book keeping, Budgets and much more.
Landing Page Builder
The drag & drop builder allows anyone to easily create beautiful landing pages in minutes. Plus, our templates are designed by experts so you can be sure your page will look great!
Assign tasks to your team members in CRM so that they're assigned a specific project and you'll know how much work has been completed.
You can now add customers to your CRM portal so you have a complete history of everything you've ever done with them. This includes past & present orders, pending invoices, contact details & much more....
Create and send invoices to your customers directly through CRM and make sure they get paid on time! Send them reminders for making payments.
Assign projects to your teams in CRM and have a clear picture of their progress.
Expense Manager
What’s the best way to keep your expenses on track? Have them recorded in CRM and import directly into accounting software.
Recurring Invoices
Create a recurring invoice once and CRM will automatically send invoices after every intervals to your customers. CRM will also send them reminders for making payments.
HR Management
Manage Attendance of your staff members, maintain their timesheets, reports, shifts and much more in CRM
Schedule Interviews, check any candidate's profile. Keep staff's documentations safe and much more available in CRM.
Custom Domain
Get your CRM white labelled and use it on your own domain name.
Professional Emails
Stop paying for every email you use and start getting your professional messages right through the CRM portal. Let staff access their emails with a simple click of one button!
Payment Gateway
Integrate a payment gateway to your CRM so you can accept payments from clients directly against the invoices that have shared with them. Payments once received gets automatically updated in CRM so you don't have to follow up with the client for getting payments.
Customize your CRM as per your requirement.
Set-up at our location
Talk to us in case you need us to manage all tools on your behalf
Start Now!

Features Of Appointment Booking Portal

Appointment Scheduler

You need to keep track of your appointments, but it's hard to do that when they're scattered across different calendars or you can't remember to check them all.

Juggling appointments can be a real pain, especially when you have to keep track of them in multiple places. And if you forget an appointment, it can be tough to get back on track.

Our Appointment Booking Portal is here to help. It makes easy to see all your past appointments and create recurring ones so you never have to worry about forgetting again. Plus, if you need to convert an appointment into a task or lead, it has got you covered.

Convert Appoints to lead

Isn't it a time-consuming process to convert appointments into leads?

The process of converting an appointment into a lead is often time consuming and can be difficult to track. This can lead to missed opportunities and lost revenue.

Appointment Booking Portal allows you to easily convert appointments into leads and track their progress through CRM. You'll never miss another opportunity again!

Automate Appointments and Follow-ups

It's hard to keep track of who you've contacted and when, especially if you're contacting a lot of people.

You might be forgetting to follow-up with some people, or worse - not reaching out to them at all.

FoundersCart Appointment Booking Portal is the solution! This tool automates your appointments and follow-ups for you, so you can easily keep track of your progress and stay in touch with everyone on your list.

Reduce Cancellations and Increase Connections

Making connections is important, but it can be hard to keep track of everyone you've met.

It's frustrating when you make a connection only for them to disappear soon afterwards. Not only do you lose out on a potential business opportunity, but it also wastes your time and energy.

FoundersCart tool helps you make more connections and reduce cancellations. With FoundersCart, you can add new people to your network with just a few clicks, and easily keep track of all your interactions with them.

Welcome Customers with Automate Scheduling

As a business owner, you know that customer service is essential, but it can be hard to balance meeting customer needs with running your business.

Juggling customer service and other tasks can be difficult, and sometimes it feels like you're always putting out fires.

FoundersCart helps you automate your customer service so you can focus on what's important - growing your business. With our easy-to-use platform, you can quickly schedule appointments and receive notifications when customers contact you. We'll help take the stress out of customer service so you can focus on what you do best.

Organize meetings without endless emails

It can be tough to schedule a meeting. You shoot off a few emails with potential dates and time slots, but somehow they always get crowded.

Scheduling a meeting should be easy, but it's often anything but. You spend hours going back-and-forth trying to find a time that works for everyone.

FoundersCart is the solution to your scheduling woes. With our online appointment scheduler, you can easily find a time that works for everyone and book your meeting in seconds.

Why FoundersCart exists?

Now, more than ever, the world needs entrepreneurs. They are the ones who take risks to achieve their dreams. They have the power and courage to change lives.

But here is the biggest challenge entrepreneurs face!

It's tough to know where to start, what resources are available, and how to take the business idea from concept to reality.

The journey is full of challenges , there is a lot of competition, and the odds are stacked against survival.

Keeping entrepreneurial moral is difficult, statistics say over 80% entrepreneurs quit within the first two years.

FoundersCart was created by a team of Chartered Accountants with an Idea to help entrepreneurs overcome these challenges.
We observed over 10,000 businesses and break down the path to success into key actionable steps. We curated selection of the best tools and resources that have helped many businesses grow faster. From CRM, web design templates and branding tools, to e-commerce platforms and marketing resources, we've got everything you need to make your business successful. Plus, our community of entrepreneurs is here to support you every step of the way.

So if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, now is the time to put it to good use. The world needs your ideas, your energy, and your passion. Together, we can make a difference.

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Appointment Booking Portal

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