Small Business Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In The Coming Year
FoundersCart 1 year ago

Small Business Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In The Coming Year

Small business owners and entrepreneurs always need to keep an eye on the latest trends in digital marketing if they want to stay ahead of the competition. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the top small business digital marketing trends that you should be watching out for in the coming year. From AI-driven customer experiences to voice search optimization and social media automation, we'll cover all the key trends that are set to shape the future of digital marketing for small businesses. Get ready to leverage these game-changing tactics and win big in the year ahead!

In today's digital age, small business owners and entrepreneurs need to stay ahead of the game when it comes to digital marketing. From AI-driven customer experiences to social media automation, there are many trends shaping the future of digital marketing that small businesses should be watching out for in the coming year.

As a leader in digital marketing tools for small businesses, FoundersCart is at the forefront of these trends. With our website builder, email marketing tools and social media management system, we can help you leverage these game-changing tactics and win big in the year ahead.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of the top small business digital marketing trends that you should be watching out for in 2022.

1) AI-driven Customer Experiences

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing personalized customer experiences and engagement. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, incorporating personalized interactions with your customers can create long-term success.Gone are days when marketers blast unwanted messages around to everyone trying to sell them something they don't need.AI algorithms collect customer data points like online behavior or purchase history and use it intelligently by presenting highly tailored product recommendations,content,and offers.The beauty lies in its ability to do so real-time with minimal human intervention & effortlessly.We have seen chatbots that handle simple queries,push notifications from apps & websites offering discounts or recommendations.No doubt,it enhances CX but also lets customers explore self-service giving them greater control over their journey.

With FoundersCart , you can leverage smart personalization techniques like commerce integrations,data analytics,Multichannel Messaging systems which offer intelligent segmentation, audience targeting,live chat solution,Social Listening & more.Our platform makes it easy to engage with your potential customers meaningfully while creating memorable user experiences.Let us help you enhance your customer experience to guarantee repeat business.

2) Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has been growing exponentially as it requires ease & convenience.Accordingly optimizing web content for voice search is important.Most search engines prefer long-tail keywords which are neither very broad nor specific enough.Above all voice searches are more conversational than regular search queries. In 2022, it's predicted that at least 55% of households will have a smart speaker system.This trend inevitably means businesses must incorporate deliberate steps for optimizing content to capture such an audience.

FoundersCart has the SEO audit tool which measures your website optimization plus some helpful tips on how to proceed. Our platform enables you to create an experience tailored specifically to your customer base hence higher advertising conversions and revenue gains.

3) Social Media Automation

Social media automation tools aid in increasing efficiency by helping with scheduling, publishing and monitoring associated metrics.Marketing teams can configure automated responses,promote dynamic creative ads,manage social mentions/hashtags ,analyze social media sentiment data & post across various channels automatically.Also reduce time spend on menial tasks while tracking campaign success metrics.Let employees work on other valuable aspects of their jobs required for business growth.

FoundersCart makes it easy for businesses looking to automate their social media tasks with built-in integrations offering management tools clear roadmap and desired outcomes.Our platform offer a single dashboard showcasing Google analytics,user behavior streamlining ad campaigns,enabling better management thus leading to more efficient decision-making.

4) Marketing Automation

Marketing automation involves utilizing software technologies that aim to streamline campaign processes like lead generation,email marketing workflows,sales follow-ups & understanding core conversion metrics.An example is lead nurturing which systematically tracks users through site activity & personalized touchpoints till they become sales-worthy leads.

With FoundersCart you get an end-to-end solution comprising emails sending,dynamic list creation,campaign segmentation & CRM integration options.Our services help convert leads into paying customers.The overall effect is an increase in ROI as the marketing department is able to tailor content strategies well-suited for campaigns thereby boosting pipeline health and providing adequate opportunities for closed-won deals.

5) Customer Engagement

Customer engagement entails how customers communicate with brands, gather information & interact with its overall offerings. With a shift to digital marketing in 2022 interactivity between brand and customer must be made more accessible,customer-centric and overall seamless.FoundersCart uses data-based technology that enhances user creativity so clients can actively engage their users on the web through webpage creation,email workflows,social media integrations leading to conversions that meet business objectives.

6) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is a critical trend if you want to rank high on search engines.A successful SEO strategy will lead to higher traffic,more leads & growth.Recent trends include mobile-first indexing,Schema Markup,optimizing for BERT(search algorithm),dwell time,low bounce rates,promoting security & HTTPS compliance as well as targeting searcher intent .

FoundersCart can help your business gain better search visibility by designing smarter SEO-relevant content - optimizing keyword phrases & targeting specific audiences.Ideally going beyond the web basics ensuring opportunities for ranking high organically.

7) Content Strategy

At its core,a website's Content strategy is what defines it.Having strategic web content means everything runs smoothly however creating high-quality,engaging content requires a lot of effort.Consistent website updates,targeting long-tail keywords and creating engaging visual content could boost your SEO efforts.Our CMS software includes intelligent placement management,content creation tools,& analytics dashboards.Offering guidance when it comes to tracking metrics such as user performance,integrating transactional email or whitelisting IP addresses.With FoundersCart we take care of all these potential headaches and saves you both money plus ROI.


As an entrepreneur or small business owner,you must stay ahead of the game when it comes to digital marketing.Make use of these seven hot digital marketing strategies showcasing why FoundersCart delivers value.The platform offers easy-to-use website builder,email marketing campaigns,social media management & an integrated CRM helping small business owners succeed.2022 presents many value-driven digital marketing trends which have the potential of propelling your brand through the next successful year. So why wait? Connect with FoundersCart today and stay ahead of the game!

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