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Intimation to RBI for Transfer of Shares from Resident to Non-Resident or visa-versa

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It is a intimation to RBI through AD Bank for transfer of shares from a Non-Resident to Resident or visa-versa. It is a form used by shareholder resident outside India and resident Indian or vice versa when they transfer their shares. The form FC-TRS along with the Form FC-GPR will be submitted to its authorized dealer bank, who will submit the same to the RBI.



Form FC-TRS is filed in case of transfer of shares or convertible debentures of an Indian Company from a resident to a Non-Resident/Non-Resident Indian and vice versa by way of sale. The Indian company is required to report the transactions to the AD Category – I bank in the form FC-TRS



FCTRS Filing under FEMA or the Foreign Exchange Management Act was passed in the parliament of India in the year 1999. Under this act, all financial activities are monitored related to foreign trade and payments.Under the provision of FEMA the government has provided many categories that can be filed as per the nature of the business FOREIGN CURRENCY- TRANSFER OF SHARES or the FC- TRS is one of the types.


Any contravention, under FEMA, may invite following kinds of penalties: If, the amount against which offence is quantities, and then penalty will be "THRICE" the sum involved in contravention. Where the amount cannot be quantified the penalty may be imposed up to two lakh rupees.


The meaning of Form FC-TRS is Foreign Currency Transfer of Shares. This form is filed in case of transfer of shares of an Indian Company from a resident to a Non-Resident/Non-Resident Indian and vice versa through its authorised dealer bank (AD Category-1 Bank)


The onus of filing the Form FC-TRS is on the Indian resident whether transferor or transferee. However, In the case where the Non-Resident investor, acquires shares on the stock exchanges, the responsibility of filing the form FC-TRS is on Investee Company.


The form FC-TRS shall be filed with the Authorised Dealer bank within sixty days of transfer of capital instruments or receipt/ remittance of funds whichever is earlier


Any contravention, under FEMA, may invite following kinds of penalties: If, the amount against which offence is quantities, and then penalty will be "THRICE" the sum involved in contravention. Where the amount cannot be quantified the penalty may be imposed up to two lakh rupees.

Our Packages

Highest Service Level
FC-TRS Filing
Filling of form FC-TRS to RBI
Preparation of Documents  Is Included
FIRC Approval form AD Bank Is Included
Fill the Form FC-TRS Is Included
 Submission of the form Is Included

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Documents Required For FCTRS

One Person Company
Private Limited
  • Relevant regulatory approvals, wherever applicable, to be attached as “other attachment”. (In case of Gift)
  • Consent letter: Consent letter between donor and donee for the transfer to be attached as other attachment. (In case of Gift)
  • Non-resident declaration . (In case of Gift)
  • Transfer agreement: relevant extracts of the transfer agreement along with the consent letter between buyer and seller. For sale/ purchase on stock exchange, the contract note may be attached, at “Transfer agreement/ Valuation certificate”
  • Transfer agreement: relevant extracts of the transfer agreement along with the consent letter between buyer and seller. For sale/ purchase on stock exchange, the contract note may be attached, at “Transfer agreement/ Valuation certificate”
  • Non-resident declaration :As per the above format, to be attached as “other attachments”
  • In case of sale by a non-resident, acknowledgement of FC-GPR/ FC-TRS as applicable for the capital instruments being sold, to be attached as “other attachment”.
  • FIRC /Outward remittance certificate and KYC to be attached at the specified attachment
Public Limited
  • Relevant regulatory approvals, wherever applicable, to be attached as “other attachment”. (In case of Gift)
  • Consent letter: Consent letter between donor and donee for the transfer to be attached as other attachment. (In case of Gift)
  • Non-resident declaration . (In case of Gift)
  • Transfer agreement: relevant extracts of the transfer agreement along with the consent letter between buyer and seller. For sale/ purchase on stock exchange, the contract note may be attached, at “Transfer agreement/ Valuation certificate”
  • Transfer agreement: relevant extracts of the transfer agreement along with the consent letter between buyer and seller. For sale/ purchase on stock exchange, the contract note may be attached, at “Transfer agreement/ Valuation certificate”
  • Non-resident declaration :As per the above format, to be attached as “other attachments”
  • In case of sale by a non-resident, acknowledgement of FC-GPR/ FC-TRS as applicable for the capital instruments being sold, to be attached as “other attachment”.
  • FIRC /Outward remittance certificate and KYC to be attached at the specified attachment
Partnership Firm

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FC-TRS Filing
Preparation of Documents  Is Included
FIRC Approval form AD Bank Is Included
Fill the Form FC-TRS Is Included
 Submission of the form Is Included

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Frequently asked questions

Form FC-TRS stands for ¨Foreign Currency-Transfer of Shares¨. The FC-TRS form is used for reporting of transaction of transfer to Authorised Dealer bank (AD Category-1 Bank).

Since Form FC-TRS is related to reporting of an Foreign Direct Investment translation therefore, the same is required to be filed only when a Non-resident is involved in a transaction. Therefore, Form FC-TRS is required to be file for transfer of capital instruments by way of sale in accordance with FEMA guidelines in following cases: a Non-resident, holding capital instruments of Indian company on a repatriable basis, transfer it to Non-resident holding such capital instruments on a non-repatriable basis; a non-resident, holding capital instruments in an Indian company on non-repatriable basis, transfers it to Indian resident holding capital instruments on repatriable basis; a Non-resident, holding capital instruments in an Indian company, on repatriable basis transfers it to Indian Resident. an Indian Resident, holding capital instruments in an Indian company, transfers it to Non-Resident holding such capital instruments on a repatriable basis.

For the Following transactions, the FC-TRS form is not required to be filed: A non-resident, holding capital instrument of an Indian Company on Non-repatriable basis, transfers it to resident and vice versa. A non-resident, holding capital instrument of an Indian Company on repatriable basis, transfers it to resident on repartiable basis. Transfer of capital instruments by way of gift.

For a transaction in the following capital instrument is required to be reported in Form FC-TRS: Equity Shares compulsorily and mandatory convertible preference shares (CMCPS) Debentures.

Following persons are liable to file Form FC-TRS: When any resident is involved in the transaction of transfer of share then such resident whether transferor or transferee and When no resident is involved in transaction, Non-resident holding capital instruments on a non-repatriable basis

The Authorised Dealer bank must receive the form FC-TRS within 60 days from earlier of the following dates: Date of the transfer of capital instruments or Date of receipt/remittance of funds.

Every business user has to be eKYC verified before any reporting can be made in the Single Master Form. This would ensure that only genuine Logins are made available in the FIRMS application. All eKYC would be verified by the AD banks.

Equity Shares.
Convertible Preference shares
Convertible Debentures

For transfer of shares of an Indian company from a non-resident holding the shares on non-repatriable basis to a resident and vice versa.

Ready to file the form FC-TRS on time ?

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